Monday, May 9, 2016

So the no sugar for a month didn't go well. Nor did the intermittent fasting. I think just counted calories. Even though I was below calories and was working out I've been gaining weight; maybe muscles. So I finally decided to follow this fitness guru that I've been following for some time and I'm going to try counting my macros.

If you have not heard about counting your macros, it's focusing on having a certain amount of proteins, carbs and fats. I found that even though I avoid bread, even buns, that I was having a lot of carbohydrates. That shocked me. I wasn't having much protein which might be why I'm tired a lot of the time.

This is a link to my fitness guru's website. It's a pretty good start.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Practicing Spanish

I found the most interesting way to keep me working on Spanish is to get interested in shows. Netflix is the best place for that. If it's a Netflix original (they produced it) then they have it dubbed over in several different languages. My favorite was Grace and Frankie. It's hilarious and stars Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin. First, watch in English and then in Spanish. Just don't use Spanish subtitles when watching in Spanish. The audio Spanish isn't the same as the subtitles. It's almost as if they had one latin country do the audio and Spain write the subtitles.

Then I decided to get into Spanish shows for both the Spanish and cultural reasons. My first favorite is Gran Hotel. I've just spent the Easter holiday binge watching it. If you like Downton Abbey then you'll love this. If you haven't watched Downton Abbey shame on you. It's an amazing show that was on free public broadcasting. Both shows are set in 1910 ish. Gran Hotel is set in Spain. So it's Spain Spanish. It shows a luxury hotel and all the drama between the owners, the servants, and the guests. It is very addicting. Plus the main character is just adorable.

The second show I started watching with my boyfriend is Club de Cuervos. It's modern day Mexico about a soccer club. The owner dies and it's left to his two kids, a responsible daughter who no one listens too and an egotistical immature son. This one I'm constantly laughing at. It's interesting how much they use English. Like when they wanted to call someone 'gay' they just said 'gay'. My boyfriend said he'd never really seen that used but said a different word instead. I said it's interesting how frequently Spanish is used in English shows and now you are seeing the reverse. I say that soon Spanglish will be a real language. There is a lot of swearing in this show but it's really funny.

I made it one day through the shakeology cleanse. I was so tired by the end. I need to find more of a lifestyle change, not some quick diet thing. I'm not sure but I know I need to work on my health.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

In serious need of motivation

So I have my first run of the season in a week and I can't for the life of me get myself to put on my running shoes when I get home from work. I wake too early and commute for an hour. I'm sure I'm going to really hate myself when it comes.

I also put back on the 5 pounds I've fought so much to lose. This is getting exhausting.

Put back on all the weight I just lost. So here’s to a three-day detox. I have a whole bunch of shakeology around the house that I've always had a hard time bringing myself to drink daily.  So I'll put it to use and maybe get myself back on track. We shall see how it goes.

CIGNA Fitness headSMART

Week 1 day 3 
Breakfast check in
Saturday, What did I eat?

Week 1 day 4 
Breakfast check in
Sunday I didn’t eat breakfast except a banana.

Week 1 day 5  Monday
Are digestives healthy? These are some delicious biscuits I get from the UK. They are great dipped in tea or coffee. Low sugar and high in fiber. Not bad. 
Sipped on water during my commute. I need to have breakfast ready for mornings. This is always easier said than done.

Anti-diet week 1 day who cares

Overcoming obstacles
Set a concrete plan to overcome obstacles.

I shouldn’t have started so many of these programs at once. I stopped several of them and got down to only 2.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

CIGNA Fitness headSMART Week 1 Day 1

My Galaxy S7 suggested this Cigna app in the SHealth app. My health insurance is through Cigna so I figured why not, it's free. It has you take a quiz and it gives you suggestions on programs. The second program I'm going to start is called Fitness headSMART.

What’s your motivation? To feel epic in my bikini on our vacation
What are your goals for this program? To loose weight.
What has gotten in your way before? Time and energy.
Who can you rely on to support you? My boyfriend.

Cigna Health Anti-Diet Week 1 Day2

My Galaxy S7 suggested this Cigna app in the SHealth app. My health insurance is through Cigna so I figured why not, it's free. It has you take a quiz and it gives you suggestions on programs. The first program I'm going to work through is called the Anti-diet. 

Day 2
Flip your mindset
Take note of any negativity today and remind yourself that you deserve to be treated with kindness.
Love yourself
Make a list of qualities you love about yourself.

I like that I’m knowledgeable. I know a lot of random facts and figures. It sometimes drives people crazy. I always want to learn and try things so I guess that helps make life interesting for me. I have naturally thick hair that gets natural highlights in the sun. I have yet to see grays. I am not fat or overly thin. I have curves.