Friday, March 4, 2016

Day 4 Explorations in Fruit

I thought fruit would help me not miss sugar as much and it’s true it’s helped. Really the only things I’ve craved since starting are digestives biscuits or even hobnobs. The names sound bad but they are really good biscuits cracker/cookie type things that I get from the UK. I love to dump them in my coffee. They actually don’t have a lot of sugars as cookies go but still have added sugar. They do have a lot of fiber in them to clean you out if you eat too many.

But I was surprised by that the WHO recommendation included sugars from fruits since it’s hard to separate them when calculating. 1 cup of grapes is 15 grams. 1 cup Banana sliced is 18 grams. Orange is 9 grams. You have one banana or a few grapes and you are half done for the day on sugar.

I will admit I noticed I have more energy. Even yesterday when I spilled my coffee in my car and forgot my wallet so I couldn’t get another one. I ended up with a headache which used to mean I wouldn’t get much done when I got home. I didn’t go to bed when I got home but did some laundry as well as other things. But my usual headache wasn’t as bad as they usually are since I didn’t take any migraine meds and my period pain has been minimal. So far so good.

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